Reading Ordnance Survey Maps in Year Five

This week in their geography, Year Five have revised eight-point compass points and applied them to form directions. They applied their learning to local Ordnance Survey Maps analysing them for significant locations and amenities. Year Five will continue to develop their familiarity with Ordnance Survey maps as they consider coordinates next week.  

Year One’s Antarctic Artwork! 

Year One have been studying Henri Rousseau and creating their own work style in his style 🖼 Rousseau is famous for painting jungles with hidden animals 🐯so we created an Antarctic landscape with animals from Antarctica 🐧 and hid them amongst the snow or waves, linking to our learning in Geography! We painted a wash, […]

Year Six’s residential at Stanley Head

Year Six have enjoyed an incredible week at Stanley Head. It is amazing to see how each child has grown over the course of the week. Children have been bouldering in the roaches and learning about rock formations,  reading maps and symbols to complete a scavenger hunt, throwing axes, shooting rifles, stacking crates, canoeing and, […]

Nursery’s Jubilee Preparations!

This week the children have been learning about the Queen, they have been finding out lots of interesting facts, looking at the history of the Queen, talking about her castles around the country and exploring lots of activities including making her a new Buckingham Palace! The children are super excited to be celebrating her 70 […]

Field study in Year Four

As part of their work comparing New York to our local area, Year Four went on a walk around Baddeley Green and Milton. During the walk, the children completed a traffic survey which was then used to compare to the traffic in a part of New York. After returning to school, the children were given […]

Nursery’s Visit to Manchester Airport

What a fantastic day we had at Manchester Airport! The children created their own passports and checked in on the Monarch DC10 where they had the opportunity to climb in the cockpit and use the pilots controls. We learnt about the different parts of the aeroplane and the roles of different people in the airport […]

Geography in Year One

Year One have been using maps, atlases and globes to locate where they live in the world! We know that the UK is made up of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and we have studied the seas that surround the UK. We have also found out more about climates all over the world, learning that […]

Reception’s visit to St Philip & St James’s church

As part of our RE learning about special places, Reception visited the local church in Milton, where we went in a treasure hunt to find lots of the special features that you might find in a Christian church. The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and learned lots of new facts.

We’re off to France in Reception

This week, Reception read a story called ‘A walk in Paris’. There were so many wonderful features that we learned about including the Eiffel Tower. The children found France on our world map, created their own Eiffel Tower masterpieces, painted French flags, sang Frere Jacques and wrote an information leaflet detailing important facts about France. […]

Geography in Year Four

The children researched information about the different layers of a rainforest on the iPads. They found lots of interesting facts including the heights of the trees, animals that live in the different layers and the amount of sunlight each layer gets. Why not ask them what they can remember?