
Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website which is full of useful information and lovely photographs which give a wonderful insight into life at Hillside.
Do you have a potential ‘Hillsider’ who would like to join our wonderful school, either in or Early Years or in any of our other classes? 
We understand that choosing a school for your child is a very important decision so visits can take place at a mutually convenient time, but ideally, we love to show you Hillside during school hours ‘in action’ so you gain a real insight into what life at Hillside is like. We show you our bright, welcoming school and you get to ‘feel’ our calm, purposeful, happy, hardworking atmosphere. You can see our children busy with their learning and the lovely respectful, nurturing relationships we have throughout the school. 
To arrange a tour of Hillside Primary School  please call our school office on 01782 235350 or email via
We are exceptionally proud of Hillside Primary School and would love to meet you and your child/ ren and to discuss your needs.
I look forward to meeting you. 

Mrs K Schonau

Admissions to Schools within Stoke-on-Trent City Council

Full details / Information regarding admissions to Stoke-on-Trent Schools can be obtained via the following link:


Hillside Admissions Policies


Changing schools – In-Year Transfers

Pupils usually start school in September (for example in Reception or Year 7).

Sometimes your child may need to start or change school at a different time of year because:

  • you move house, either into or within Stoke-on-Trent;
  • you want your child to change schools for other reasons.

A new system is now active which has changed the way that applications to change school are made. 

If your child needs to move schools during the school year, you will need to complete an online in-year transfer application via the following link:

If you struggle to complete the online application, please request a paper form from the school office.

Once this has been completed we will contact you to confirm whether or not we have a place / places available.