PE and Sport Premium

What is the PE & Sport Premium?

Since 2013, the Government has provided substantial primary school sport funding. This funding was being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport and will see money going directly to primary school Headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

Schools have to spend this funding on improving our provision of PE and sport, but we have the freedom to choose how we do this.

Possible uses for the funding include:

  • providing professional development to increase staff confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport
  • offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
  • buying necessary equipment to enhance PE and Sport.

Funding for 2024 to 2025

The £320 million PE and Sport Premium will continue in the 2024 to 2025 academic year.  Hillside’s allocation is £18,090.

How do we be spend the PE & Sports Funding and who benefits?

The Governors agree that the money must be used so that: all children benefit regardless of sporting ability; that the most able children are given the opportunity to compete in advanced tournaments; that staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development.  We feel that this is the most effective and efficient way for the funding to have a long lasting and positive effect on future learning and physical development of children within our school.

Objective –To raise the quality of teaching PE and sport in school, ensuring that standards are at least good at Hillside and that this is sustainable we will:
Hire qualified sports coaches to work alongside teachers when teaching PE We will pay for an external specialist sports lesson provider to enhance the teaching of PE to all pupils and to raise the quality of teaching PE and sport in school whilst aiding children’s physical development and promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.Our teachers will observe and participate in sessions to develop their own skills in curriculum PE teaching.Not only will the children benefit from being taught by a specialist coach but our own staff will be developed through sharing good practice and assisting in the PE lessons.
Provide places for pupils in after school sports clubsWe offer clubs for boys and girls football, dance, gymnastics, netball, tag rugby, multi-sports training, balance bike, yoga & mindfulness. Some clubs will run throughout the year, however others will run at various times of the year.  Clubs are lead either by Hillside staff or by outside agencies. Clubs provided by external agencies will incur a fee. Clubs ran by members of Hillside staff may incur a small fee to cover the cost of any resources required and/or the cost of staff time after school hours. Details are subject to change.Coaches will prepare children for tournaments and performances, offering specialist training to support ‘Team Hillside’. We will ensure that these are sustainable at budget setting.
Provide opportunities for children to competeWe will affiliate to the Hanley Primary Schools Sports Association and our PE & Sport Leader will arrange tournaments and fixtures between the cluster primaries, whilst offering exit routes for our more gifted children, allowing them to compete against other children at a higher level. Hillside pupils have represented the town and city teams, we feel it is important that children who are more able in sport are given the chance to participate against others of a similar ability and potential and these opportunities are continual.
Provide training for lunchtime supervisors to introduce playground games at lunchtimesLunchtime Supervisors who engage with children’s play can transform lunchtimes. At Hillside, our Lunchtime Supervisors will be trained to continually offer children a positive play opportunity during the lunchtime break.
Continue to enlist the support of Playground Leaders and School Sports CrewTraining will be provided to all Playground Leaders to ensure they are fully equipped to support the lunchtime supervisors in the delivery of lunchtime games and activities.The School Sports Crew will be elected and then support the staff in the running of the annual sports day as well as leading warm-ups in class PE lessons.
Extend the use of the house team system to inter-house sports competitions for pupils of all agesOur annual Sports Day is the end of year whole school sporting event where family and friends are welcome to come along to join in the fun and lend their support.  We will extend the use of the house team system to enable regular, inter-house sports competitions for pupils of all ages throughout the year.
We will also:

  • Pay for transport to various events
  • Purchase new sports equipment
  • Provide cover to release teachers for professional development in PE & Sport
  • Provide cover to release teachers to attend sports events
Budget 24/25 = £18,090

  • £10,920 towards cost to employ external providers to enhance the delivery of curriculum PE, who will also deliver CPD to staff so they understand how children make progress in PE and sport.  They will also provide after school sports clubs.
  • £5,000 participation in external events and competitions, event transport and expenses, affiliation fees and extra-curricular clubs.
  • £1,620 equipment, resources and repairs.
  • £550 costs to cover staff released for CPD and to take part in inter-school competitions in school time.
Success criteria:

  • Greater confidence in planning and delivery of PE lessons
  • All areas of the PE curriculum are at least good
  • Increased after school clubs and participation in PE, Sport and Dance – links with specialist organisations and coaches
  • Pupils have greater opportunities to participate in competitions
  • Pupils who are more able in sport are given the chance to participate against others of a similar ability and potential
  • Pupils will have high self-esteem and sense of pride for their teams.
Hillside Primary School Y6 Swimming Data 2023-2024
Number of children in cohort 32 Number of children who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of 25 metres Number of children who can use a range of strokes effectively Number of children who can perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations
(31)  97% (30)  95 % (30)  95%

Please click below to see how we spent the money in the previous academic year: