PSHE in Year Three

Year Three have been exploring different ways of keeping ourselves healthy, including our mental health this week. We have worked in teams to share ideas and presented our information in the shape of something healthy. In the end, some of them looked good enough to eat!

Year Four trip to Chester Zoo

The children enjoyed a fantastic trip to Chester Zoo. We learned about animals, their habitats, which continents they can be found and their risk of becoming endangered due to deforestation and other risks. A lot of the animals we managed to see lived in South East Asia where there are rainforests and it is also […]

Year Three’s Science Shock! 

Our scientists had a bit of a shock this afternoon when they opened up their amaryllis box, expecting to find a bulb inside. The bulb must have got bored of waiting to be planted and decided to have a go at growing all by itself, with no soil, water or proper light! We just hope […]

Doctors and Dentists in Nursery 👩‍⚕️ 

The children in Nursery have had a very busy week learning about the important jobs of doctors and dentists. We have thought about our own experiences and thought about when we may need to visit a doctor or dentist. We have also been thinking about ways to keep ourselves healthy and look after our teeth. […]

Daffodil Planting in Nursery

This week we have enjoyed planting our own Daffodils 🌼 . We looked at the bulb and talked about the shoots that we could already see, we thought about the different things we needed to do to look after our Daffodils. We know that we need to give them water if it doesn’t rain 🌧. […]

Materials in Year One

Year One have started their new science learning about materials, grouping and sorting lots of different random items! The different teams decided how to sort in lots of different ways! They sorted by colour, size, shape and purpose and then some sorted by what they were made from, like plastic, wood or fabric. Lots of […]

RE in Reception

As part of our RE work, we have been learning about how Christians believe that God created the world. We talked about all of the wonderful, natural things in our world and then drew some amazing pictures. We have some fantastic artists in Reception. Well done!

Science fun in Reception

This afternoon, Reception explored some zoom in, zoom out pictures on Explorify. The children had to guess what the object was and say why they thought it was that. We had guesses such as ‘ I think it’s grass because it’s green’, ‘ I think it’s a plant because it has orange flowers on it’ […]

Year One’s Computing

What a challenge Year One have faced this week! We have completed our computing units, looking at different types of technology in school and at home (why not try and name a few that you can spot?) and we’ve thought about how to stay safe online. We’ve created our own avatar (and talked about how […]

Year Three Are Ready For The Rain! 

In Geography this week, the Year Three children have created rain gauges which they will use to collect and record the rainfall throughout the week. They will then compare their findings with the rainfall in Brazil. They used super teamwork to create their rain gauges and decide the best spot for rain catching.