Year One’s Visit to Ford Green Hall

Year One visited Ford Green Hall this week to finish our topic about the Great Fire Of London 🔥 They met Samuel Pepys and helped to put out the fire! They also learned about food from 1666 and what it would have been to have been rich or poor. They also learned about how houses […]

Exploring careers in Year Four

Year Four were asking some excellent questions to our visitors during careers afternoon. They were asking how they had got their job, any challenges they had faced over time and how the work they did made a difference for others, to name but a few. It also gave the children the opportunity to broaden their […]

Handa’s Surprise in Reception

This week Reception have been reading the lovely story of Handa’s Surprise. The story is about a little girl who lives in a rural village in Kenya, Africa. After reading the story, we found Kenya on our world map, then discussed the similarities and differences between Handa’s homelife and ours.    

Soup Chefs in Year Five

As part of our DT learning on culture and seasonality, this week we have made and evaluated our own winter vegetable soups. We carefully practised different forms of peeling and cutting safely to prepare our soup. Also, we tasted and evaluated our creations.    

Random Acts of Kindness 

On Friday it is Random Acts of Kindness Day and we’ve shared an assembly about kindness this week and considered what we could attempt to show kindness towards others 💜 At Hillside we’ve been set a challenge: to complete a random act of kindness at home or in school! It could be tidying their room, completing […]

Children’s Mental Health Week in Year Three

We have been learning about Children’s Mental Health week in school. After our assembly we continued with the theme of ‘Let’s Connect’ back in the classroom in our PSHE lesson. We each designed a puzzle piece to represent us and what makes us happy. Then we cut them out and connected them together to make […]

Safer Internet Day 2023

This week, we have celebrated Safer Internet Day at Hillside. The children have taken part in a range of activities focused around this year’s theme: making space for conversations about life online. We encourage children to tell a trusted adult when something doesn’t feel right on the internet. In my assembly last week, we discussed […]

Reception exploring the woods

Reception have had a fantastic afternoon exploring in the woods. We made our own muddy puddle so that we could investigate muddy wellie and hand prints. We made some great patterns. We also worked together carrying large branches to make dens, enjoyed climbing in the trees and just enjoyed being out in out lovely woodland […]

Being thankful in Reception

This week we have been learning about how Christians say thank you to God. We learned a song called Thank you Lord for this new day, which we really enjoyed singing. We also remembered how we celebrated Harvest in the Autumn term and how we collected food for the food bank. We then thought very […]

Nursery’s Doctors Surgery

This week we have been learning about Doctors. We read the story ‘Going to the Doctor’ and talked about when we have been to the doctors. We thought about when we have been poorly and what the doctor did to make us better. We have had lots of patients visiting our surgery this week and […]