Nursery: Our Family 

This week Nursery have continued their learning about themselves and have been talking about their families. The children have been talking about who lives in their house and creating pictures showing their family members. Well done Nursery, it has been lovely to find out some more about you!

Nursery’s Self Portraits

This week we have been busy learning about ourselves, we have started the topic by looking at ourselves in the mirror identifying our features and painting our self. We have all done a great job and thought carefully about what colours we needed for the different features!

Welcome to our New Nursery Children

This week our new nursery children have started their journey at Hillside. They have been busy making friends, getting used to the school routines and enjoying exploring our fantastic resources and areas. We have had a brilliant week and are very impressed with how well the children have settled!

First week in Reception

The children have had a fabulous first week in Reception! They have settled in well, reconnected with old friends and made new friends and are eager to begin their next learning journey.

Welcome back Year One!

Not only did Year One impress during transition week, but they’ve impressed their new teachers on the return to school too! They’ve settled in to their new seats, solved tricky maths problems and worked together to learn the new classroom routines! Well done everyone! We can’t wait to see what you achieve this year! ⭐️

Year One’s Wriggly Visitors!

 Year One had a visit from the Unconventional Menagerie who brought in lots of weird and wonderful animals to finish their science learning! They got to consider what animals ate, their special features and where they lived and why. They learned that chameleons don’t actually change colour and that many snakes actually have two very […]

PHSE Mini Teachers in Year Three

Year Three discussed and considered why rules are needed in different situations. In pairs, Year Three planned a lesson in the subject of their choice and draw a mind map to ensure that everything was considered such as equipment, rewards, a starter and a consequence if children were not listening (just in case) to name […]

Mr Gray visits Year Six to talk about life during WW2.

This afternoon, children have been visited by Mr Gray, who has helped children in their information gathering on WW2 by coming in to talk about his childhood growing up in Stoke-on-Trent during World War Two. He has brought in a number of resources for children to observe including old newspapers, and photographs of bomb damage […]

Year One’s Online Safety

Mrs Green became ‘Martha’ (a stranger) during our PSHE lesson this week when learning about how to stay safe online. She asked lots of personal questions about their ages, names, school, local area and addresses… and managed to find out lots about the children! 😝 We talked about what was safe to share online and what […]

Orienteering and communication in Year Five

In our P.E. sessions this half term, we are working on developing our map skills within the field of orienteering. As we transition further through our learning, we will be using our communication skills as a team to overcome a series of challenges. Here is the children completing a task of arranging themselves in order […]