Drama in Year One

Year One have started learning about the Great Fire of London and in English have been using their drama skills to tell the story of Toby! They had to add expression, use vocabulary from the story, consider how the characters felt and add actions to each part! Incredible πŸ”₯

Christmas Crafts in Year Five

This week in Year Five, we’ve stepped into Christmas as we created seasonal calendars for our friends and family.  

We love exercising in Year Three!

In PHSE, we had lots of enthusiastic group work and interesting conversation about the importance of exercise. We all came to the conclusion that we can always add extra bit to increase our physical activity (ideally 60 minutes per day).

Nursery visit Santa! πŸŽ…Β 

The children have had a great time at Amerton Farm this week, they went to visit Santa and tell him their Christmas wishes. They met some of Santa’s reindeer up close and were then sent on a tractor and trailer ride to find the rest of the herd – it was a little bit bumpy! […]

Hillside are anti-bullying!

As part of anti-bullying week the children have taken part in an assembly about how to MAKE A NOISE! πŸ‘‚ They thought about different scenarios and whether they were rude, mean or bullying and talked about what to do, who to tell and how to support their friends too if they were worried that they […]

Hillside Primary Remembers

This morning Mr Such, with the support of our Year Five pupils, shared a Remembrance assembly with the children of Hillside. The assembly focused on peace and how soldiers past and present have contributed their lives to this. Mr Such also focused on our local area, with the children of Key Stage Two all creating […]

Commemorating Remembrance in Year Five

It was a pleasure to have a visit from Mr Such this week in Year Five as he spoke to us about Remembrance in preparation for his assembly on Friday. The children listened very well and recognised the significance of remembering those who contributed efforts in wars past and present.  

PSHE in Year One

In PSHE we have taken part in an online lesson about healthy eating. We tasted different foods and then watched them being cooked in a healthy meal. Ask us what we thought about the tasting – we tried onion, halloumi, spinach and ginger! 🍱

Hello Yellow at Hillside!Β 

Look at our amazing sunbeams/children! πŸ’› A huge thank you for your support with Hello Yellow day – our children look fantastic and we are so proud of the conversations they are having in school and at home around mental health. πŸ† We have shared an assembly about mental health and how important it is […]

Fairness in Year Two

In year Two, we have been learning about fairness. We acted out scenarios, talking about the behaviour seen and how we could make it fairer.