Dance in Year Five

We’ve been flying through our unit of dance this term in P.E. and the children are close to finalising their performances. It was great to see them using great teamwork and communication this week as they created and rehearsed a routine which carefully considered expressing the significance of recycling.      

School Football Team Cup Tournament

Our school football team took part in a cup tournament this week at the Powerleague. They played 5 games, including a friendly, and won 3 of their games. All the children represented the school brilliantly. They showed many of our school values, including respect which was a key element in all that they did. Well […]

Dance in Year One

In PE we have been thinking about Autumn and the seasons 🍂 As part of our dance, we had to be falling leaves! 🍁 Can you see how we are twisting and turning our bodies as the wind blows us to the ground? 💨 Amazing moves Year One!

PE in Reception

This week in PE, Reception have been focusing on developing their A, B, Cs – Agility, Balance and Coordination. They have been running, hopping, leaping, balancing and dodging. Fantastic work Reception!  

Balances in Year Two

Year two have been practising their very best balances in PE. They learnt some top tips to hold their balances for longer, practised with their partners and then showcased their best balances to the class.

P.E. in Year Five

This week in P.E., Year Five have been developing their teamwork and communication. They played lineball where they had to think carefully about positioning and defending in order to help their team earn as many points as possible.  

Phonics fun in Nursery

This week the children in Nursery have been using their ears to listen to the sounds of different instruments. We listened to a tambourine, cymbals and a maraca and decided to move to the instruments . We then played Ted’s Footsteps, listening to the instruments and moving the correct way to get to Miss Hewitt […]

Year One’s Dance

Year One have been practising their dance moves during PE this week. They’ve used the story of The Smartest Giant in Town’ by Julia Donaldson and have followed music, created movements and played different characters during their performances. Can you spot where some of us were being terrified mice while the fire raged around us? […]

Welcome back Reception

What a fantastic first week Reception have had. We have been so busy making new friends, exploring our classroom and outside area, enjoying new activities, investigating, building, drawing, making, dancing, meditating and so much more. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store. 😀

Welcome back Year One!

Year One have worked amazingly well this week, settling brilliantly in to their new classroom, showing us their growth mindsets, working in teams for PE and stretching their brains when sorting in Maths! 🧠 Keep it up everyone: your independence has already grown and we are so proud of you and your bravery – you […]