Greek Chronology in Year Five

Within their history lessons, Year Five are focusing on the curious ancient Greeks. This week, our focus was on chronology as we thought carefully about the formation of timelines. Carefully, we considered how changes in time can be demonstrated through space on a timeline. Here is our timeline which we assembled using our bodies.  

Around the world in Reception

This week we have been learning all about Spain. We found where it is on the map, what the flag looks like, what kids of food people in Spain like to eat and lots of other interesting facts. We then created a fact file to help us remember all of the information.

Mr Gray visits Year Six to talk about life during WW2.

This afternoon, children have been visited by Mr Gray, who has helped children in their information gathering on WW2 by coming in to talk about his childhood growing up in Stoke-on-Trent during World War Two. He has brought in a number of resources for children to observe including old newspapers, and photographs of bomb damage […]

Inspired artwork in Reception

This week Reception have been looking at the work of French artist, Matisse. As we are also learning about snails this week, we paid particular attention to his piece, The Snail. The children have created their own versions of the snail using cut out shapes and we think they are fantastic!

Stone Age Experience – Year Three

The children had a fantastic day in the outdoors experiencing how Stone Age men and women lived. We dressed like them, made shelters like them, learnt about the animals and made tools. So much fun learning!

Coronation Celebrations in Reception

Reception have been celebrating the upcoming Coronation of King Charles. Everyone looked fantastic in their coronation outfits. We have learned lots about the royal family and where they live in London as well as making fantastic crowns for our afternoon tea. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‘‘

The Easter Story

Reception have been finding out about the Easter story this week. We went on a treasure hunt to find clues to help us to retell the story. We collected the clues on our story sticks. We found grey felt for the donkey, feathers for the birds in the temple, a goblet for the last supper, […]

Year One’s Visit to Ford Green Hall

Year One visited Ford Green Hall this week to finish our topic about the Great Fire Of London πŸ”₯ They met Samuel Pepys and helped to put out the fire! They also learned about food from 1666 and what it would have been to have been rich or poor. They also learned about how houses […]

More Art in Year One

Year One have continued their artwork linked to the fire of London this week. They used poster paint to add houses then used their collage skills to add flames! They will share their work in a gallery, commenting on what they like, how they could improve their painting and considering if their houses are truly […]

Studying Chronology in Year Five

This week in Year Five we have been continuing to learn about the Anglo-Saxons. Our focus during the lesson was to consider how Pagan beliefs were overcome with a wave of Christianity in Anglo-Saxon society. We noted key changes on a timeline where we closely considered how changes in time were represented.