Labelling body parts in Year Two

In PSHE, the children have been labelling the parts of the body. They tried to use more grown up language than they have used in the past. They will use this language when they go on to looking at how our bodies change through the human life cycle in science.

Year Five: Comparing the planets in our Solar System

Since commencing the beginning of the year, we’ve been mesmerised by our learning in science where our focus has been Earth and Space. Here the children created a model of the planets in our solar system which identified the change in weight and sizes of the planets.  

Forces and Magnets in Year Three

Year Three are discussing and identifying forces that acting on objects. They have used Freeze frames to demonstrate their learning and make the rest of the class guess whether it is a pushing or pulling forces.

Year Four Drama

Year Four have been using hot seating to explore the characters from their English text ‘A River Ran Wild’ by Lynne Cherry. This is also supporting their science and geography work on rivers, habitats and changes to environments.

Doctors in training in Nursery!

This week we have been learning about doctors and how they can help us.  We have read the story ‘Going to the Doctor’ and talked about our experiences of seeing the doctor. We have looked at the doctors equipment and what they do, then practised with it in our doctors surgery, lots of children have […]

Year Four Scientists

Our super scientists have been working collaboratively this week when working scientifically and sorting solids, liquids and gases. There was lots of discussion around those ‘tricky’ ones such as sand, cream, ice and toothpaste.

Incy Wincy Investigation in Reception

Reception have been investigating which materials would protect Incy Wincy from the rain. They tested paper, tissue, grease proof paper, tin foil and plastic. They discovered that the paper and tissue were no good as the water soaked straight through and although the greaseproof was good initially, it eventually soaked in too. They liked the […]

Inheritance in Year Six

We have been looking at how features are inherited from parents. We have looked at different hybrid breeds of dog and what features it inherits from the pure breeds that are their parents.

Year Two at Peak Wildlife

Year Two have been to Peak Wildlife this week. They looked out for African animals and learnt about their habitats.

Genetic Mutation Game in Year Six

We have played a game of Chinese pictures (a deviation of Chinese whispers) to illustrate how genetic mutations occur in offspring. We noticed that each time we showed the person next to us a picture of our drawing, they copied it slightly different, which is what happens in cells over time.