To reinforce their understanding of number lines, the children took part in a maths hunt around school. They had to think carefully about the start and end number and use these to find the middle number. Doing this helped them to figure out what number was missing.
Category Archives: Maths
Year One’s Maths!
Maths, maths and more maths this week! We’ve been matching numerals to words, creating bead string patterns, selling oatcakes, making block patterns, drawing shape pictures, completing jigsaws, playing snakes and ladders and cleverly showing what we know about how to make different numbers in lots of different ways! Ask us to try and show you […]
Maths in Reception
As part of our PSED and Maths this week, we have been talking about our favourite drinks. We put our choices onto a bar chart so that we could see which drinks were the most and least popular. We counted how many children liked each drink and discovered that apple juice was the most popular […]
Place value in Year Five
This week, Year Five have been learning about applying different powers of ten. They revisited Gattegno charts, something they found very tricky last week, and used them confidently to solve problems involving different powers of ten. Well done Year Five for this fantastic application of growth mindset and perseverance (a word we have been defining […]
Forces in Year Five
Within class this week, we have continued to explore our new science unit of forces. We have begun to look closely at gravity and the significant scientist Isaac Newton. Here are a selection of images of the children preparing our investigation where we are going to take precise measurements using force metres.
Year Six: Investigating length
Children have been investigating the concept of length by making estimations regarding the size of different objects and features in the playground. They then measured using either metre sticks or rulers the actual length of these. As the lesson progressed, it was evident that children were beginning to grasp the concept as their estimations became […]
Welcome back Reception
What a fantastic first week Reception have had. We have been so busy making new friends, exploring our classroom and outside area, enjoying new activities, investigating, building, drawing, making, dancing, meditating and so much more. We can’t wait to see what next week has in store. 😀
Welcome back Year One!
Year One have worked amazingly well this week, settling brilliantly in to their new classroom, showing us their growth mindsets, working in teams for PE and stretching their brains when sorting in Maths! 🧠 Keep it up everyone: your independence has already grown and we are so proud of you and your bravery – you […]
Computing in Reception
To complete our computing learning, we have been learning how to programme the Beebots to follow a path around a range of different maps. The children loved predicting where the Bee-Bot would finish once they had programmed it.
Animated Books in Year One
As part of their learning in Computing, the children have created their own animated books! 📚 They wrote stories relating to their Geography learning about Antarctica or penguins 🐧 or linked to their Maths work on time, thinking about what they did before, during or after school. They used backgrounds, created images, added and changed […]