Symmetrical lines in Year Five

This week in our maths we’ve been investigating lines of symmetry. We developed a STEM sentence as a class and then applied this using mirrors to identify lines of symmetry. As the lesson progressed, children grew more confident at identifying lines of symmetry without relying on a mirror.  

Counting in Year One

Year One have been counting in 2s. They have practised by counting pairs of socks and have  counted numicon, made patterns, cut and stuck the 2s, filled number lines and number squares and have practised practised practised! They applied their skills counting flowers, counters and socks in their books and even tried to work them out […]

Nursery explore shapes!

This week we have been learning about shapes, we have been searching for shapes in the environment, sorting shapes and talking about their properties and using shapes to create different types of transport. Fantastic work Nursery!

Introducing protractors in Year Five

We’ve been working very hard on using protractors within our maths learning. For most children, this was their first time at using protractors and they’ve done a super job at measuring angles up to 180 degrees. As we move forward this week, we will explore drawing precise angles of our own using a protractor.  

Year Four ‘Smaths’

Our Year Fours have been using their mathematical knowledge during their science lesson this week, when presenting their data from their investigation on melting points of different materials. 😊

Year One’s Number Work

In Maths this week we have been finding more and less than and have begun to use the number line to help us. It’s taken time but we persevered, practised with apparatus, worked together and have now grown in confidence with a new maths tool! Well done everyone! ✔️

Super Multiplication in Year Five

This week in maths we’ve been conquering multiplying by two digits using a formal method. The children have been practising their timetables knowledge with this and have already demonstrated a great level of understanding. Well done!  

Maths wizards in Reception

This week, Reception have been investigating the composition of the numbers 6, 7 and 8. They used counters and dominoes to find the missing numbers and then recorded their answers.