Welcome to our New Nursery Children

This week our new nursery children have started their journey at Hillside. They have been busy making friends, getting used to the school routines and enjoying exploring our fantastic resources and areas. We have had a brilliant week and are very impressed with how well the children have settled!

Hot seating in Reception

This week we having been reading the story of Whatever Next by Jill Murphy. Following on from this, we hot seated Baby Bear from the story. The children came up with some fantastic questions to ask Baby Bear about his trip to the moon. The answers were amazing!

First week in Reception

The children have had a fabulous first week in Reception! They have settled in well, reconnected with old friends and made new friends and are eager to begin their next learning journey.

Reception’s Arctic Artwork

This week Reception, have been creating artwork based on Arctic animals from the story ‘Mama, Do you love me?’ They used a range of cold colours to represent the snow and ice and some warmer colours for the  animals.

Around the world in Reception

This week we have been learning all about Spain. We found where it is on the map, what the flag looks like, what kids of food people in Spain like to eat and lots of other interesting facts. We then created a fact file to help us remember all of the information.

Design Technology in Reception

This week, Reception have been design wizards. They were set a challenge to create a maze that they could move a magnetic ball through with a magnet. Look at the amazing designs that they came up with!

Reception: A walk in Paris

This week Reception have been learning all about France, through the story A Walk in Paris. The children have learned to say Hello in French as well as a number of other words. They have also learned the song Frere Jacques, which they loved. In the provision, the children deepened their understanding with activities about […]

Inspired artwork in Reception

This week Reception have been looking at the work of French artist, Matisse. As we are also learning about snails this week, we paid particular attention to his piece, The Snail. The children have created their own versions of the snail using cut out shapes and we think they are fantastic!

Music in Reception

Reception have been learning to play a simple tune on the ukulele this week. They learned where to position their fingers in the strings to play a G! Fantastic Reception!

RE in Reception

This term we have been learning about different places of worship and this week our focus was the Muslim place of worship, the Mosque. We talked about the traditions and practices that Muslims follow when attending the mosque. We found it fascinating to learn about how Muslims wash and take their shoes off before entering […]