Making body fossils in Year Six

The children are learning about how different types of fossils are made. To supplement our learning, we recreated the process that forms a body fossil using plaster of Paris (sediment) and shells (bones). Children then presented their knowledge of fossils as a poster.

Chinese New Year in Nursery

This week we have been learning about the Chinese New Year, we have looked at where China is on the world map and thought about how their celebrations are similar to ours in the UK. We have been making Chinese lanterns, practising to paint Chinese numbers and joining in with a Chinese dragon dance!

Space art in Year Five

We have been taking inspiration from our learning in science and our artist of term Chesley Bonestell. We have been experimenting with acrylic paints, considering how to mix effectively and the impact of shadows. Here are some wonderful examples of the children’s work.  

Year Six: Working in a team to create a market stall prototype

Year Six are starting their D.T project today, which will eventually require them to build a market stall for Jim (the main character from the class text, Street Child) to sell his shrimps. Today, we are creating prototypes of existing market stall designs to evaluate their sturdiness, protectiveness and stability.

Happy New Year from Reception 

Reception have had a fantastic first week back at school after the holidays. They were so excited to see their friends and share the news about what they had  been up to and what lovely gifts they had received from Santa.

Christmas in Nursery

We have had a busy week in Nursery, enjoying lots of Christmas festivities. We had a special visit from Santa and he even brought 2 of his reindeer that we learned some facts about! We have enjoyed a Christmas disco, making reindeer dust, making Christmas wrapping paper and cards! It’s been a busy, but very […]

Christmas crown designs in Reception

The children in Reception have been using their design skills this week to design their own Christmas hats. They had to select the buttons on the sides of the crown to complete the design before decorating with colours and patterns of their choice.

Year One’s Artwork

Year One have been finding out about Peter Blake, a pop artist who created ‘The Toy Shop’. They’ve found out what ‘pop’ meant, how to collage and have practiced their drawing, shading and collage skills creating their own whole class toy shop window full of their favourite toys! They’ve also created their own small version […]

Martin Bulinya in Year Two

Year two have been working hard in art. They have been learning about the artist Martin Bulinya. As part f their learning, they used their observational drawing skills to copy African patterns. They eventually produced brilliant final pieces and took part in an art exhibition where children commented on their pieces of art.

Diwali in Reception

This week, Reception have had a fantastic time learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. After reading the story of Rama and Sita,  the children acted it out as well as making play dough diva lamps, Diwali cards and lots of rangoli patterns. We also did some Diwali yoga and Indian dancing before writing out […]