Christmas Crafts in Year Five

This week in Year Five, we’ve stepped into Christmas as we created seasonal calendars for our friends and family.  

Christmas artwork in Reception

This week, Reception have been focusing on careful brushstrokes to create the branches on their Christmas trees. We have also talked about and experimented with colour mixing to create a variety of shades of green for the leaves. We think that they are going to look amazing!  

Peter Blake in Year One

We’ve started to learn about the pop artist Peter Blake who creates bright, vibrant paintings and paintings that show the beauty of different places 🖼️ The children have learned about his work, studied it closely and talked about what they like and dislike as well as considering how they were created 🤔 They’ll be creating […]

Chesley Bonestell Art Research in Year Five

For our learning in art, we’ve been focusing on Chelsey Bonestell. He is best known for his slogan, ‘A brush in the Future’ and his pioneering space art. Here are the children getting creative and designing their own portfolio fact files based on space art. We can’t wait to start preparing are own designs inspired […]

Remembrance Day in Reception

This week we have been learning about why we have Remembrance Day. We read a lovely story Called A Day to Remember, which helped us to understand a little bit more. We then used our creative skills in the classroom  to re act, paint,  collage and colour.

Year Four Art Research

Year Four have carried out some fantastic research about Antonio Gaudi and his mosaic architecture. They have presented their work by using a range of sketches, facts, patterns and colours. Super work from everyone!

Year Three Artists

We explored the work of Nick Gustafson and practiced some oil pastel techniques. Some great blending, impasto and layer/ scratching were produced.

Nursery’s Self Portraits

This week we have been busy learning about ourselves, we have started the topic by looking at ourselves in the mirror identifying our features and painting our self. We have all done a great job and thought carefully about what colours we needed for the different features!

Reception’s Arctic Artwork

This week Reception, have been creating artwork based on Arctic animals from the story ‘Mama, Do you love me?’ They used a range of cold colours to represent the snow and ice and some warmer colours for the  animals.

Reception: A walk in Paris

This week Reception have been learning all about France, through the story A Walk in Paris. The children have learned to say Hello in French as well as a number of other words. They have also learned the song Frere Jacques, which they loved. In the provision, the children deepened their understanding with activities about […]