Nursery’s Stay & Play Session

Thank you to all of the mummies, daddies, nans and grandads that came to the stay and play session this morning. The children loved playing with you and showing you how good they are at their phonics!

P.E. in the sun

Reception have had their P.E. lesson outside today. Dan from ASM has been teaching athletic skills.

Baby News!

Congratulations to Mrs Wainwright and her family who welcomed baby Sylvie Lilian into the world on 30th April.  We can’t wait for her first visit to Hillside.

Nursery’s Minibeast Hunt

Today in the Nursery we went on a Minibeast hunt! At first we couldn’t find any! But we eventually found a snail, worms, woodlice and a butterfly.  We think we may need to make bug hotels to get them to come to our forest! It was a bit quiet.

Forest School

Reception have created the butterfly life cycle out of natural materials! Can you spot the eggs, caterpillars, cocoons and finally the beautiful butterfly?  

Musical Theatre

The children have auditioned for their first performance. At the end of term they will showcase their final performance of the spectacular Lion King.

Archery Club

Archery Club got off to a great start with 17 children attending from Nursery to Y3.

Y4 Science

Year 4 made the most of the sunshine yesterday by taking their Science lesson outside. We carried out two investigations to find out about how sound travels. We experimented with string telephones and also measured the distances that instruments could be heard.