Update and Reminders

Good morning


It was great to see the children coming in so happy again this morning. We hope that they enjoyed telling you all about their day last night. We were so impressed by the resilience, adaptability and enthusiasm shown by them all. It was a joy to have the school filled with children again!


From our point of view, drop off this morning was a little calmer and ran a little more smoothly so the tweaks that we put in place will remain: In KS2 year 5 and 6 will continue to use the entrance doors that they used this morning. The year group signs indicate where parents and children should queue at their allocated time.


We thank parents for your flexibility and understanding.


Here are just a few reminders to ensure that our procedures continue to run effectively:


– please arrive promptly at your allocated time and try to avoid arriving early. If you travel by car and you arrive early, please consider waiting in your car until your allocated time.


– the main gates are open until 8:20 to allow staff members to enter the school site, park their cars and give access to breakfast club children and parents. KS2 Parents are asked not to enter the school site during this time but to wait until Mrs Wainwright or Mrs Schonau open the gates at 8:30.


– a reminder for you to sanitise your child’s hands before the enter the school building. It would also be useful if KS2 children could also bring in a small bottle of sanitiser to keep in their tray to use throughout the day.


– parents using the breakfast club facility are reminded that they must accompany their children on site and hand them over to Mandy at the hall door.


All these measures are in place to keep the Hillside community as safe as we can.


Thank you all for your cooperation.