Promoting British Values
Our motto at Hillside is ‘developing the individual’. This is underpinned by our school values of Respect, Equality, Determination, Excellence, Courage, Friendship and Inspiration. In addition, we to promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs all within the daily routines of school life. Here are some of the ways in which we promote these Values:
Children have many opportunities for their views to be heard. The School Council has representatives from all classes Year 2 to Year 6. Members are voted for by their class. They meet regularly to discuss issues raised by their class and to make decisions about events in school and aspects of the curriculum, for example where funding could be spent, generating ideas for fundraising and to plan events.
The curriculum at Hillside, especially the English and Creative curriculum, provides opportunities for debate. The children often take part in or see democratic process taking place e.g. auditions for concerts.
Throughout the year subject leaders conduct Pupil Voice interviews to gain children’s insight and views of their subject.
The Rule of Law
The importance of rules/ laws at all levels is taught explicitly in PSHCE lessons but is constantly reinforced through the daily running of the school and within assemblies. These include the expectations that govern within the class, within the school, within the community or within the country. Each class creates and agrees its own set of class rules. Assemblies are used to promote our school values which in turn promote good behaviour. All children understand that rules and expectations are put into place to keep themselves and others safe.
Pupils are taught that they have responsibility to uphold laws and they realise through our Positive Behaviour Policy that breaking rules has consequences Members of Year 5 participate in a number of Police Cadets training sessions, led weekly by our local PCSOs. Links like this help us to reinforce this important message.
Individual Liberty
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing they are in a safe and supportive environment. Through PSHCE and regular assemblies pupils are taught how to make safe choices, and encouraged to exercise their rights and personal freedoms.
The whole school takes part in projects on E-safety, NSPCC, Child line and Anti bullying and pupils are empowered with an understanding of how to seek help if they need to. Pupils exercise their rights to make choices about taking part in extra-curricular opportunities. They also take on roles and responsibilities, such as Playground leaders, Sports leaders, E- Safety Leaders and Science Ambassadors.
Mutual Respect
Respect is one of the schools values. Pupils learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All people in and around school treat each other with respect, with adults acting as role-models for the pupils.
Our school curriculum is tailored to Hillside pupils- raising an awareness of our community through finding out about the history, industry and culture of the locality of Stoke on Trent.
Through many community events, such as manning a water station during the Potters ‘Arf. Hillside pupils learn and understand about community cohesion, collaboration and respect for others.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
We predominately teach three world religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, although other faiths will be also be encountered as part of their growing sense of self, their own community and their place within it. Assemblies and curriculum plans also use a wide variety of resources, including stories, ICT, visitors etc. to help pupils understand a variety of faiths and cultures. We celebrate in school through displays, Festivals, Art, stories/literature and music from different parts of the world. Visits to places of worship and visitors into school also enhance pupils understanding.
At Hillside we would actively challenge pupils, staff, parents and members of our school community if they express opinions that are contrary to fundamental British Values.