At Hillside Primary School our aim is to provide excellent teaching and outstanding learning experiences for all our pupils. We recognise that pupils with very high abilities need access to excellent teaching, challenge and enriched experiences which allow them to develop fully as well rounded individuals.
Although there is no set definition of the terms ‘More Able’ and ‘Talented’, these are terms used in school to describe children who have developed one or more ability significantly beyond what is expected for their age ( or have the potential to do so).
‘More Able’ refers to a child who has abilities across a range of academic subjects, such as reading, maths and writing. ‘Talented’ refers to a child who has skills in a practical or creative area such as music, sport or art.
We expect all our teachers to have high expectations for pupils in their class and offer challenging work in all lessons; however we also provide opportunities which allow children to develop their particular skills and talents. Read on for a taster of some of the many additional enrichment Provision for our more able and talented pupils.
We are four Year 6 pupils and this year we have been challenged to produce a half-termly newsletter. We were selected as we have fantastic writing skills . We have thoroughly enjoyed being journalists- seeking information, news and pictures and have loved dedicating our time to this and having it printed and distributed to each child in the school – it is so rewarding.
We look forward to creating many newsletters throughout the year and training up Hillside’s next journalists to take over the role as we move onto high school.
We hope you enjoy our newsletters!
Kirsten, Daniel, Rebecca and Charlie
Stop frame animation
On Monday 12th October Noah, Josh and Alfie from KS2 spent the afternoon learning how to use ‘Pivot Animator’ supported by Miss Nelson.
They were selected by their teachers because they show a high level of knowledge, skill and understanding when using computers in school.
They used Pivot Animator to create an animation of an elephant sniffing a man. To generate their video the children had to create individual frames moving the model ever-so slightly between each frame. This is a very lengthy process and the boys showed patience throughout.
“This is the best app ever.” Josh
“I really enjoyed creating this video.” Noah
“It was fun because I’ve never done anything like this before” Alfie
Global Debate at the Council Chambers
A group of more able speakers attended an exciting experience that took place at the Council Chambers in November. This exciting event brought together children from many Stoke on Trent schools- both primary and high schools and allowed them to use their various skills of argumentation, persuasion, and conflict resolution. The motion that was posed was based on the Seventeen UN Sustainable Goals, and the children had to debate whether one goal was any more important than the others.