Key messages from Stoke-on-Trent Council 

This half term will provide a welcome break for families who have been home-schooling. Children and parents can take some well-deserved time off and recharge the batteries.


However you decide to spend the break – please remember that lockdown restrictions still apply, so please continue to follow Government guidelines.   



There is plenty of capacity for testing across the city; with time slots available early mornings, evenings and seven days a week.

Anyone leaving their house to go to work, to visit the supermarket or to see somebody in your support or childcare bubble, should have a regular test. We know that one in three people have covid-19 but don’t show any sign of the three main symptoms and that’s why regular testing is one of our main defences against this deadly virus.


Help for families:  

Unfortunately, half term may also be a time when some families struggle. Eligible children will have received a food voucher for half term – £15 for the week. This is an additional provision that the council are funding through the winter grant.

Wider help is still available through the Stoke-on-Trent Together helpline and we can refer people for additional support including food banks. Please visit for more information.


Youth mental health ambassador: 

Lockdown is tough especially for young children and teenagers who haven’t seen their friends in months. If you think a child you know is struggling, they can access support through Changes – they offer online mental health and wellbeing support. Visit

In addition, the Prime Minister has appointed Dr. Alex George as Youth Mental Health Ambassador. The appointment comes as part of the Government’s plan to ensure all children and young people are supported with their mental health and wellbeing. Dr. George is an A&E doctor and has been a passionate campaigner for children’s mental health. He will use his clinical expertise and personal experience to champion the Government’s work on children’s mental health and shape policy on improving support for young people in schools, colleges, and universities.