June 1st – Wider school opening – a few reminders

For those parents of children who are returning to school this week just a few reminders:

  • PE kits are to be brought into school and left here
  • Water bottles are to be brought in and left, school staff will clean out and refill daily
  • As the weather is so nice, please provide your child with a hat and sun cream( clearly labelled with your child’s name). These too will be left in school
  • Please adhere to the staggered drop off and pick up times to avoid congestion
  • Please follow markings and signage on the school site
  • Key worker children should bring in their home learning books
  • Any packed lunches should be completely disposable
  • There should be no/ very little belongings being exchanged between home and school.

For those children who remain at home we hope that you continue to work hard with your home learning and continue to enjoy the sunshine.