Great News! Access to Digital Pantomime link!

Due to the current situation, we have been unable to visit the Mitchell Memorial Theatre to watch our annual pantomime; therefore, we decided to purchase an online pantomime for the children as an additional treat this week. In class, the children have watched the pantomime and we know that many of them would love to watch it again so we have attached the link below. Why not grab some popcorn and snuggle up and watch Cinderella as a family.


Great news! Your digital pantomime link for CINDERELLA is ready!

You have unlimited viewing access from today until December 30th 2020.

View as many times as you like on as many devices as you like!

Running Time

The pantomime has a running time of 53 minutes (excluding interval)

To View Directly simply click below

If your firewall has blocked the above link follow the steps below:

Open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc)

Copy and paste the following link into your address bar at the top of the page:

Press return

Still not working?

Open your web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc)

Type manually, using your keyboard

(this cannot be copy and pasted)

Remember this is case sensitive

Then press return

Using a smart TV to view Cinderella

If you are using a smart TV you can view our pantomime directly through your web browser which will be listed as an app on your television home screen, it may be called any of the following: Internet Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge.

You cannot view directly through the YouTube App.

On your television open your web browser using whichever of the above you have pre loaded on your television. (Internet Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge).

In the address bar at the top of the web browser type

Using the keyboard that will appear on your screen.

Select go/return.

Remember this is case sensitive.