Children’s Mental Health Week 2021

Today is the start of Children’s Mental Health Week 2021 and if we were all in school, we would be completing activities linked to our mental health and staying well (last year we were all in the hall doing yoga together!) To celebrate this year, we have created a powerpoint to use each day with a range of different activities and it can be used at home with parents and carers, and it will be used in school too! It reminds us of how we keep healthy, poses questions about our mental health and gives us ideas about how to feel mentally healthy at the moment. There are lots of chances to express yourself and talk to your friends and family. Please have a read through and perhaps take part in a few of the activities at home if you can – if you take photos or create anything amazing, please send them to Mrs Rushton via the Year One Home Learning account and we will celebrate them in school. The powerpoint is on the school website and can be via the Children’s Home Learning Tab – entitled ‘Positive Mental Health – Hillside Presentation 2021’.

Thank you for your support in promoting mental health and well-being with your children – we hope you enjoy joining in! 💛