Amazing Artwork in Nursery

We have been looking at Steven Brown’s artwork this week and had a go of painting our own pets in the same style. Nursery have done so well will this, well done!

RE in Year Three

In RE today, we have been learning about why Jewish people celebrate Pesach. They took part in a ‘conscience alley’ and gave advice to Moses about what decision he should make. They gave very thoughtful and mature responses. Well done!

Year Five Greek Computing

Year Five are currently in the process of combing their knowledge of the Ancient Greeks to computing. They are designing their own ‘maze’ game using software on Purple Mash. It is fantastic to see the children effectively considering how to develop the difficulty of their game alongside ensuring it is appropriately designed to the Greeks. […]

Micro habitats in Year Two

The children have been learning all about micro habits in Science. They investigated two different micro habits before attempting to create their own for a woodlouse. They gathered what they thought would attract the woodlouse before heading back inside, building it and placing a woodlouse into its new home.  

Science in Year Four

After looking at the nutritional data on food packaging, the children collected data on the fat and sugar content. They presented the data collected in bar charts and then drew conclusions from their findings. All of the Science work the children have produced over the past couple of weeks will be used to create a […]

Year One’s Treasure Hunt! 

Year One have been hunting for treasure as part of their PSHE learning! Working in teams, they had to follow clues to find coins. The game couldn’t end though until every team had the same number of coins – meaning that they all won! Well done for working out that sharing is caring! 💰🗺❤️

Hello Yellow – Friday, 8th October

On Friday we will be celebrating mental health and raising awareness and funds for Young Minds through wearing yellow and bringing a donation of £1 to school! The children have all found out more about how Young Minds help children and parents during an assembly today. On Friday, they will be creating a class self-soothe […]

The Very Hungry Worry Monster in Nursery 👾

Last week we read the story ‘The Very Hungry Worry Monsters’ and we were lucky to have a visit from our own worry monster. The children thought about things that they get a little bit worried or scared about and each took it in turns to feed the monster! Well done Nursery for such fantastic […]

Tenths and Hundredths in with manipulatives

Year Six children have been learning the relationship between tenths, hundredths and ones in maths. They used the Diene’s apparatus to model decimal values and wrote these as both numbers and fractions.

Keeping Fit in Reception

Reception have been keeping fit in an imaginative way this week. They have been developing a range of singing and movement styles, keeping in time to the music and most importantly, having lots of fun. This song was ‘My name is Joe’ from YouTube. The children love it. 😁